Color Requests
So I’m out of a color, or you don’t see the color you want in the shop, or you want it in another fiber/yarn, or you need more than's in the shop or…
I will likely dye it for you. There are a couple potential situations:
1) Repeatable Colorways – You found something on the shop labeled “Repeatable colorway” and you’d like more than is available or you’d like it in another yarn or fiber.
These will cost you nothing to request (beyond basic fiber/yarn cost) unless there’s something truly bizarre about it. I will give you a rough time course, dye it up for you, and you can pay when it’s done. This one’s straightforward, and tends to be the fastest turnaround time. Biggest time limitations are fiber availability and sometimes my own schedule. These will match very closely to previous iterations of the colorway (though there’s always batch and fiber differences).
2) Regular Colorways – You found something on the shop. You’d like more than is there or in a different fiber/yarn, etc.
Again, this one won’t cost you anything extra. Here, I’ll give you a rough time course, let you know HOW closely I’m likely to be able to match the previous colorway, and when I’m done if there’s much difference I will send you photos. Then you pay, and I ship. There are a few colors that come from exhausts or odd mixes that can be challenging to duplicate, but I’ll let you know if you’re asking for one of those.
3) “Weird” Colorways – You’re looking for something odd and outside my ouvre.
This is a very very small category. I like color and play with a large range therein. But if I think the colorway is something I’m going to have trouble selling, I may ask you to pay half up front. The same could apply if the fiber is something I believe I will have trouble selling. Then I’ll take photos and you can pay the second half, and I’ll ship it off. Again, this is a vanishingly small class, but in case someone wants baby-poo brown, with hot pink spots and neon yellow stripes… I might put it here.
And that’s the process. It’s pretty simple, and doesn’t cost you anything. The one caveat to ALL of these situations is that it is beholden to my sometimes odd schedule and suppliers. I will do my best, but sometimes I’m travelling, or my suppliers aren’t shipping, or it’s something I have to order in. I will try to let you know.
If I agree to do a request for you and then disappear, by all means drop me an email. Things drop off my list and get lost, so please remind me.
P.S. I used to do spinning/knitting commissions. I am not currently taking more of this time of commission as I can’t reliably fit them into my schedule. Thanks!