Welcome! To the new (and improved?) Gnomespun!

Welcome! To the new (and improved?) Gnomespun!

So, it's been an interesting couple of years, hasn't it? Gnomespun's been through some changes as I found a new balance in my life after retirement from the Army. 

And here we are! 

So, I figured if I'm going to get a new start, might as well finally move off Etsy and build myself a new page! 

Along with the new page comes some other new things! I've started making spindles, for one! I've been enjoying it so far, and so far the people who've spun on them seem to think they're effective. Of course, I also test every one myself before sale. 

So go check them out! Inscriptions, inlays, layered cuts, word waveforms, and "naughty" spindles with... colorful phrases on them. 

You'll notice that I've also added a new section. Textiles for Good

There has been much discussion lately in the fiber community of inclusion and what it means. Primarily, whether inclusion means not denying anyone entry, or if it means actively making those left out in the cold feel welcome. To me, the answer is simple. All spaces are safe spaces. The question is who they are made safe for.

I would make my spaces safe for the least powerful, the least advantaged as others made spaces safe for me in the past. And so the proceeds from the Textiles for Good section will go to non-profits that seek to improve the lot of the least powerful. The specific non-profit currently receiving these proceeds will be listed at the top of the Textiles for Good page. 

In case that didn't make it abundantly clear, I fully support Ravelry's decision to try to keep their space a safe inclusive space for those disadvantaged by the current power structure.

So, welcome back Gnomespun, all over again? *laughs* I guess that's it for now!

~The Gnome

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