The Roving Gnome — woodworking

Workshop of the now

Posted by Daniel Brewer on

Workshop of the now

No long post today. Getting stuff dyed, braided, finished, etc. 

So here's a glimpse into the Gnome's workshop  today...


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Another project...

Posted by Daniel Brewer on

Another project...

Another set of projects I've been working on has been furniture. But not normal furniture, oh no, that would be far too... normal. No, I have been making special furniture for my dear friend Franklin Habit, for a project he's been working on. This is an amazing project by one of the most awesome and creative people I've ever met. So of course, I wanted to do my best to enable it. Because are you even a fiber artist if you don't enable your friends?  It started with a simple, "Hey, you need anything? I have a tool that'd help and nothing...

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Turned spindles

Posted by Daniel Brewer on

Turned spindles
One of the pieces of equipment I was most excited about (that ironically took the longest to get set up) in the workshop is the lathe. But with it finally up, it's been time for the Gnome to learn a whole new set of skills. I've been fascinated by lathes since I was a kid, but this is the first time I ever got to actually use one. 

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Posted by Daniel Brewer on

Besides the spindles, I've also been getting into some other woodwork. It started with a friend asking if I could make a box for a partner. They didn't ask for a super complex box. But I am... well, me.

Welcome Gnomewood Creations

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There is a Workshop!

Posted by Daniel Brewer on

There is a Workshop!
So like a billion times now I've said I was going to tell you about the workshop, and then I don't. So here it is!

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